Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Can't you just hear Dale Evans and Roy Rogers? "Hi! Good to see you. It's the most wonderful time of the year..." Bells are chiming, children are laughing in the background. It's a festive holiday scene with everyone jolly and gay. No, it's not Christmas. Even better. Travapalooza is here! Christmas has twelve days, heck, we go a full thirty-one for The Guy. Not even a month with thirty days will do, no, we need as much Travfest as we can get with the climax coming right smack-dab in the middle. March 15th. Circle it in red, boys and girls. The world stops revolving around the sun, just for a day, and all heavenly bodies change course and begin to revolve around The Guy. Defy the laws of physics? Why not? Anything is possible for The Guy.

Was that just a bit too over the top?

In a completely unrelated matter, The Infant tells me that she travelled to Cincinnati on Saturday to see Grandma H. Curly, Curly's Twin, and Grandma E. (the new one, not The Original Grandma E. - maybe we'll call her G2.0 or something) also tagged along. G2.0 was very concerned about some possible freezing rain so the trip was cut a little short. Everything went well, the trip was good, Grandma H was happy to see everyone (well everyone that matters anyway, namely, The Infant), and The Infant was still at home and in bed by 9:30. The Guy looked at several houses (outsides only) and went to a basketball game. Me, I laid at home in my bed and only got up twice to sniff the air vent - now that's what I call a productive day!

Even though the bulk of this post is an homage to The Guy, I couldn't bring myself to post his pictures. The Infant is sooo much cuter. Scratch that. It's possible I could be sent to the pound and put down for uttering such phrases in March. It's sort of like threatening the president. Just don't do it. Let's try this again...

Even though the bulk of this post is an homage to The Guy, I didn't post his pictures. Mere photographs don't do his manly beauty justice. You'll have to settle for pictures of this average looking baby instead.

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