Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I guess my ear in healing okay.  Curly took me back to see the Guy With Red Hair again.  Thankfully, he took the stitches out.  They were starting to itch.  I think the new story in gonna be that I got in a fight with a doberman.  The ear looks just like someone took a bite out of it.  I think the bitches will like that story better.

I went to visit Mama and Papa Mullins on Sunday.  Curly and The Guy had lasagna for lunch.  I just wanted to smell it, but they wouldn't even let me near the plate.  When The Guy wasn't looking I did get to lick his plate.

Curly is still really stressed about work.  She told me she's going to be going on a trip at the end of February, so I hope that helps her loosen up.  I really hope she'll consider taking me with her.  I'm afraid The Guy is going to forget to give me my dry cereal every day.  I also don't like staying with him because the only time he let's me stay outside for more than two minutes is early in the morning.  I don't want to be out in the morning, but he just doesn't get it.  I would like to be outside in the afternoons, but every time I find something interesting to do in the yard he makes me come in.  I don't know what he's worried about, it's not like I can go anywhere.

I hear Grandma Hopkins is coming for a visit this weekend and I really hope Curly takes me to visit her.  She always gives the best treats.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Glad that's over

The mouse is gone.  Lured to his death by peanut butter and chocolate.  I think Curly could fall for that trap.
Bush has 361 more days left in office.  I wish I could vote.  I guess it's because I don't have thumbs.  I think I'm leaning toward Hillary, but I wouldn't mind Barack.  I read Dreams from my Father  after Curly finished it.  I guess I'll have to start The Audacity of Hope.  I'll need to figure out a way to get the book out of the bookcase.  I can't reach past the bottom shelf.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Keep him out of my treats!

Well, as you may or may not know, I typically like to sleep in 'til around 10:00 or 11:00 each morning.  Sometimes I walk Curly to the door when she leaves around 6:30 and then I go back and lay in bed with The Guy 'til he makes me get up and go outside (I still don't know why he makes me stand outside for 5 minutes every morning). Generally, I then get a meager breakfast and go back to bed until the mailman comes.  

Not this morning.  Curly decided to scream and get both me and The Guy out of bed.  I guess she was concerned (and rightly so) because there was a mouse near my treats.  He can't actually get in the treats, but the fact that he was near them at all has me concerned.  Why do I even keep the humans around here?  Is it that much to ask to keep me well fed, warm, un-mutilated, and the house mouse-free?  

Look at all I do for them.  I bark at the mailman.  I usually let them know when someone comes to visit.  I let them play with The Man.  If I feel like it, I even get out of bed to welcome them home.  What do I get in return?  Dry cereal for dinner EVERY day, locked outside every morning without a jacket or shoes (I don't have much fur on my stomach), and half my ear cut off for no apparent reason.  I'm considering changing the locks.

Anyway, it's been 11 hours since "the scream" and they still don't have the mouse.  This is unacceptable.  It's not unusual - I usually have to tell them there's a mouse in the house, but I REFUSE to lower myself to the status of a cat and attempt to catch it.  That's what humans are for (that and picking up my poop).

Monday, January 21, 2008

Don't call me Vincent

I don't know what I did to deserve this.  Last Thursday morning the humans took me to see that tall guy with red hair that gives me treats.  Next thing I know, I'm missing half my ear!  Eventually my human with the Curly hair came back to get me, but it was too late.  Gone.  

The anesthesia did have a pleasing after-effect.  And the humans did cater to my every whim (but I guess that wasn't out of the ordinary), but still, why did it have to be the ear?  I guess the bitches dig scars - at least I have that going for me.

So anyway, I've been shaking my head alot.  It seems to annoy Curly because it splatters blood everywhere.  She tried to put a stop to that today.  We went back to see the guy with the red hair.  I humored him and let him examine what's left of my ear, but next time Red, I'm taking part of your ear.