Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not too many details, but...

I don't really have too much to say because The Humans haven't told me much, but it's possible that I'll be living in a new house by Friday (yes, 8 days from now)! This house that I live in now went into contract yesterday and will probably be closed by the middle of May. This is really a bit overwhelming. I'm still trying to process the no-fence situation and I'm not quite sure I'll be able to handle it. I really love this house and am going to miss it terribly. I know we need more space, but really this one is home. The Humans did so much to it to get it ready for me to move in and I think they are quite fond of it, as well.

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of The Infant to post today, but stayed tuned - I'm sure there will be some from Easter. Apparently the Easter Bunny already visited the house while I was sleeping and he filled The Infant's Easter basket. I walked in the dining room and the table was covered in toys and Baby Gap clothes! I'd like a new leash. Curly and The Infant went on another walk this evening and believe it or not, Curly didn't think she could handle us both by herself. I don't know why. The Infant is always angelic when on a walk and I help pull Curly along and lead her where she needs to go! Once I even wrapped her arm around a post and damaged a ligament in her arm. Hey, it's not MY fault she went on the wrong side of the post.

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