Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Go Herd.

From what I can gather, The Infant made her first trip to H-town on Saturday. The MU athletic department was having a sale of some used and some new clothing/uniforms. With the nice weather it was the perfect time for her to visit Marshall and the stadium. The Guy and Curly left around 9:30 (but didn't make it out of Charleston until after 10:00 because of truck trouble) and got to the parking lot around 11:00. The Infant had to eat so it was about 11:20 by the time they made it inside to the sale. There was not much left. That may be an understatement. People were lined up at 6:45 to get inside. Curly and The Guy did walk away with a few items (most notably a new pair of FootJoys for Curly) but nothing spectacular.

The Infant seemed to enjoy the trip. It was also her first time out in public in her Baby Bjorn and she really enjoyed being able to see everything. Come to think of it, it was really the first time that she was outside for an extended period.

Maybe Marshall will be her home in about 17 years (but I don't think Curly would mind if it were Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or Stanford. The Guy might have a problem with that, though).

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