Sunday, February 22, 2009

Some Random Happenings

Curly and The Guy had a very tasty dinner this evening (or, at least it smelled that way). It was CrockPot Mexican Rice and Curly took the liberty of adding a can of black beans (drained) to it. It turned out very well and they topped it off with a little grated cheddar cheese. Curly highly recommends it. The Guy's eating habits are completely changing. The Guy also made a very tasty snack (again, I ASSUME it was tasty) today. He made a roasted eggplant spread with red peppers and onions. Now those are some words I never thought I would type in reference to The Guy!

It doesn't take much to entertain The Infant. Notice in the picture at the top of this entry that the toy has been discarded and replaced with a gallon jug. The Infant thoroughly enjoyed spending Friday night sitting on the kitchen counter (supported by Curly's Twin's stubbs) hugging and mouthing the jug of water.

Sunday was a wonderful, lazy day here. We all stayed in bed until nearly noon and didn't do much the rest of the day either. The Infant was bathed and in bed by 9:00pm and Curly, The Guy, and I are in bed watching Burn After Reading as I type this. Curly did embarrass dress The Infant in this cute little outfit today. I'm pretty sure she's going to be just as much of a nerd as Curly. I guess you're never too young to know the periodic table. Also note the tights - Thanks again Aunt Beth and Sophia!


Dale said...

She will never be a nerd with those BabyLegs!

Unknown said...

I'm so proud!!! She'll be naming elements in no time!