Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Infant's First House (and my second)

So, it's all official - The Guy bought me a new house on Wednesday! We're not living there yet and I haven't even seen it yet, but I hear it's pretty nice. The plan is for us all to be living there next weekend. Sort of. I suppose it's really best that we're not moving this weekend because Curly is scheduled to work After-prom on Saturday night. She would be a bear to work with the following morning. I don't even want to imagine it! I guess this house should be closed around the middle of May. Everything seems to be going smoothly (too smoothly) and everyone is really excited. Except, I guess, The Infant. I think she would be excited but she doesn't exactly understand what's going on. She's just happy to eat her peaches and poop. I'd be happy to do that, too. Speaking of poop, she tries prunes for the first time tomorrow. Watch out, Grandma!

Also tomorrow, The Guy and Curly are going to go buy the stuff to build me a small fenced area in which to do my business. I guess they'll use a wireless electric fence to let me run and play in when they're outside with me, and put me in this pen when they're not outside. They keep telling everyone that they're afraid to just use the fence because they don't want to meet the new neighbors by returning any dead dogs. Now, I'm not exactly sure what they're implying, but it doesn't sound pleasant.

When Curly and The Infant came home from Grandma's house they went for a walk. Of course I didn't get to go, but they did let me take a few pictures of The Infant in all her Spring-time glory. I hope you enjoy the nearly-six-month-old. Hopefully soon I can get some video of her pulling up and standing. Also, like I promised, I'll get some Easter pictures up, too. I need to download them from Grandma and Granddaddy's camera and Grandma's not all too keen on me using her new camera. Hummpf. I wonder why?

Monday, April 20, 2009

What's for dinner?

Hmmm... I wonder what I should have for dinner?

Maybe lamb...

or beef...

or pork...

or chicken!

Turns out I got green beans instead.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not too many details, but...

I don't really have too much to say because The Humans haven't told me much, but it's possible that I'll be living in a new house by Friday (yes, 8 days from now)! This house that I live in now went into contract yesterday and will probably be closed by the middle of May. This is really a bit overwhelming. I'm still trying to process the no-fence situation and I'm not quite sure I'll be able to handle it. I really love this house and am going to miss it terribly. I know we need more space, but really this one is home. The Humans did so much to it to get it ready for me to move in and I think they are quite fond of it, as well.

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of The Infant to post today, but stayed tuned - I'm sure there will be some from Easter. Apparently the Easter Bunny already visited the house while I was sleeping and he filled The Infant's Easter basket. I walked in the dining room and the table was covered in toys and Baby Gap clothes! I'd like a new leash. Curly and The Infant went on another walk this evening and believe it or not, Curly didn't think she could handle us both by herself. I don't know why. The Infant is always angelic when on a walk and I help pull Curly along and lead her where she needs to go! Once I even wrapped her arm around a post and damaged a ligament in her arm. Hey, it's not MY fault she went on the wrong side of the post.